The 21 Day Daniel Fast

The 21 Day Daniel Fast

Make the commitment to join us as we do a 21 day Daniel Fast from January 2-22, 2017

Personal: Take time daily to “rest” in the Lord. Listen to worship music, read His Word daily and journal what our Father reveals to you. Remember, God speaks in many ways so write it all down even if what you “hear” doesn’t make sense to you yet. Ask the Holy Spirit this week to reveal things in yourself that you need to work through or ask forgiveness for and praise Him in everything.

For Your Family: Continue to take time daily to “rest” in the Lord, listen to worship music, stay in His Word and journal. Spend time praying for your family, those that need salvation, your children, spouse, parents, brothers and sisters. Pray for your extended family, those who you are especially close too. Cover them in prayer, praying for protection, health and purpose for their life. Ask Him to reveal to you specific things they need prayer for.

For Warrior Family Ministries: Pray for our ministry. Take time daily to pray for Warrior Family as we move into 2017. That God will continue to bless and provide for all our needs. That He will bring those people we need in leadership, those that are seeking a purpose and those in need. That as we move to plant our church more firmly, He will pave the way in the community. Pray that we will be a “light” in the darkness. We will have favor in our areas of influence. Pray protection, that God will increase our territory and protect us from harm. That we will not harm others.

Learn to write it down! Feelings, ideas, prayer request and answers, visions, and special verses. Feel free to join us every Tuesday evening at 6:30pm as we come together to just rest in His presence and share our experiences.

Below is some information on fasting. Be sure to “LIKE” Warrior Family on Facebook to keep up with everything going on.

  • What is Fasting?
    • Dieting: going without food for a period of time or going without a certain kind of food for a period of time
    • Biblical Fasting: refraining from food for spiritual purposes. It is a normal part of your relationship with God.
  • What does Fasting accomplish ?
    • Health benefits:
      • Detoxes the body: removes impurities from the organs, bloodstream and skin
      • Restarts your metabolism, you will have more energy, positive outlook
      • Reduces blood pressure, inflammatory diseases, blood sugar
      • Boost immune system, creates a healthy diet, increases fat breakdown – weight loss occurs
      • Sharpens your cognitive functions
    • Biblical Benefits:
      • Deeper, intimate relationship with God, Psalm 42:7
      • Breakthrough occurs,
      • Renewal of the mind takes place
      • Jesus did it, Luke 4:1-2
      • There is a secret source of power, Matthew 17:20-21
    • The 3 duties of a Christian: Matthew 6
      • Giving
      • Praying
      • Fasting
    • NOTE: Jesus made it clear that as much attention should be given to fasting as giving to praying and that fasting is a normal part of a Christian life.
    • Be ready for Battle!
      • Satan hates it when a Christian fast, he knows fasting releases the power of God.
      • Remember satan even tempted Jesus
      • His agenda is to “steal, kill and destroy you” John 10:10
      • He knows he is defeated but he wants to distract from knowing that “nothing is impossible” with God’s power
      • The 10/21 Day Daniel Fast, Daniel 1, 10:2-3
        • 3 week fast – 3 seven’s which is completion
        • Purpose: God has a vision for your life, a dream for you. This Fast will bring understanding for these things.
        • What is the Daniel Fast?
          • Only fruits, vegetable and water
          • No breads, processed foods or sugars, no pasta, no meat or seafood
    • Fasting makes you tuff in Spirit and makes the inner man rise up and claim, “Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world.” We are ready to battle. When you fast, you are seeking God’s face, it disrupts business as usual and “deep cries out to deep”. It affirm that God is our source for everything in life… physical, mental and spiritual. He provides us with all we need.
    • Preparing for your Fast:
    • 1- Determine which Fast is appropriate for your need. This should be prayed over and should be determined between you and God.
    • 2- Choose a place and time you can be alone daily and pray
    • 3- Gather together your favorite worship music, Bible and other biblical books to read. WORSHIP often!
    • 4- Keep a journal of your fast, writing down every aspect of your day
    • 5- Refrain from critical speaking, negative words about or to anyone
    • 6- Limit your TV time, computer time (social media) and anything that is a distraction
    • 7- If your church is doing a corporate Fasting time, find someone to help hold you accountable, a Battle Buddy.
    • Enjoy the spiritual rewards, hearing from God more clearly, learning your call or purpose, blessings and taking your relationship to a more intimate place.