

Men of God

This one is for the fellas –It’s TIME mighty men of God to get up, be intensional with the Father, quit the complaining, excuses, or what ever is going on in your head that keeps you from being the Superman you were created to be in the Only Army that matters. On this day June 1st choose to rise with your brothers and walk with your head up in the authority given to you to be used by you for…

Women of God

It’s TIME mighty women of God (sorry fellas) to get up, be intentional with the Father, quit the complaining, excuses, or what ever is going on in your head that keeps you from being the Wonder Woman you were created to be in the Only Army that matters. On this day June 1st choose to rise with your sisters and walk with your head up in the authority given to you to be used by you for the people He…

The Passion Project – Warrior or Soldier

Join us as we explore where you serve in God’s Army. Are you a Warrior or a Soldier? Both are much needed in todays Army. For more information on how you can attend a Passion Series study or sign up to attend email [email protected] The Passion Series will be a weekly live stream study every Tuesday night on Warrior Family Ministries Youtube Channel. (Find us and subscribe)