Sunday Notes

Sunday Notes

The Prince & The Pauper part 2- 3/19/17

Foundational Truth: The message of the cross and the message of the resurrection must always be preached at the same time. The cross is the demonstration of Christ’s love. The resurrection is the demonstration of His power. As we see the revelation of Christ’s resurrection and truly live in it we will witness miracles, signs and wonders and the raising of the dead which will advance God’s Kingdom on earth. The Cross is a known historical fact, but the resurrection…

Loving From The Cross – Notes 3/12/17

Are we being true witnesses? Where is our evidence of the empty tomb? Where is the proof through supernatural miracles, signs and wonders and the raising of the dead that Jesus resurrected and is alive in our personal lives and ministries? Are we willing to risk persecution? 7- The resurrection establishes Christ’s Kingdom and destroys satan’s kingdom Colossians 2:15 Praise God that Jesus rose from the dead and defeated satan taking from him all power and authority. 8- Christ’s resurrection…