Blog (Page 6)
The 2020 Chaplain Conference ~ Speakers/Trainers Are Set
With the Chaplain conference just a few months away, the excitement is building as we are poised to announce next week our 2 amazing authors and what trainings they will be bringing. Registration opened last May and we are now filling up every room. There are only 17 single rooms left and a handful of the double room available. If you haven’t registered yet, DON’T WAIT! Get your room reserved and remember – payment plans are available. This is some…
Prayer Life series #6
In Mark 1:35 we read this about Jesus: “Now in the morning, having risen a long time before daylight, He went out an departed to a solitary place; and there He prayed.” In its context, this a remarkable thing that Jesus did. In the verses just before this, we read that Jesus had just put in an extremely full day and evening of ministry in Capernaum, teaching, preaching, healing, and casting out demons. It would be an exhausting schedule for…
Prayer Life series #5
Prayer is not for the purpose of getting God to help us, the purpose of prayer is to get us in line with what God is about to do. Prayer is God’s invitation to enter His throne room so He can spread His agenda over our hearts. To see this in action, there is nothing better than to observe the prayer life of Jesus. At the center of Jesus’s prayer life was the fact that He sought the Father’s purposes, activities,…
Prayer Life series #4
In Luke 11 the disciples asked Jesus to teach them to pray and He gave them a brief model or pattern for prayer. We call this the Lord’s Prayer. It is not some magical formula that we can repeat and expect miracles. It is a concise portrayal of the foundational truths that should be in our hearts and minds as we pray individually, as we pray as families, and as we pray as a church. Every phrase is this prayer…
Prayer Life series #3
Jesus understood that every believer needs to maintain this fellowship to be able to serve and honor our Lord in this world. He was so deeply convinced of this that He made this request in John 17:21 on His followers behalf: “that they all may be one, as You Father, are in Me, and I in You; that they also may be one in Us.” Many other passages illustrate the same unity and fellowship we are supposed to have…
Prayer Life series # 2
Jesus’ intimacy with the Father in His prayer life was distinctively linked to the Holy Spirit, because He knew the Spirit’s activity was the key to God’s anointing and equipping for service in His kingdom. The first time we see this link between Jesus, His prayers, the Holy Spirit, and the closeness of Father and Son is His baptism in the Jordan River in Luke 3:21-22 “Now when all the people were baptized, and when Jesus also had been baptized,…
Prayer Life series #1
Hebrews 5:7 “In the days of His flesh [Jesus] offered up definite, special petitions (for that which He not only wanted but needed) and supplications with strong crying and tears to Him Who was always able to save Him from death, and He was heard because of His reverence toward God (His godly fear, His piety, in that He shrank from the horrors of separation from the bright presence of the Father).” This passage in Hebrews tells us that in…
Morning Coffee Break
Join Warrior Family as we begin the Morning Coffee Break Study. This series will run Monday through Friday and take you on a journey to grow deeper in your relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ. Let’s Start With Your Prayer Life! Series 1 In the Scriptures, those that knew they were in the presence of God often fell face down with no strength left in them. But today, so many have lost the awe of coming before God in prayer.…
Weekly Podcast With Joan Hunter
This week host Grace Swartz was join by Joan Hunter, known as the “Carol Burnett” of ministry. Enjoy our Warrior Family Ministries Podcast!
2019 Chaplain Conference
2019 Conference Details Join us at historical Fort Caswell, North Carolina February 28-March 3, 2019. The Army of Chaplains will come together for this yearly event that kicks off Thursday evening at 7:00pm and runs through Sunday morning with a early service on top of one of the Fort’s bunkers. This amazing weekend is packed full of trainings, classes, fellowship and free time. We will be announcing our vision for 2019, new Chaplain opportunities and our vision to continue to build the Army of…
The Passion Project – Warrior or Soldier
Join us as we explore where you serve in God’s Army. Are you a Warrior or a Soldier? Both are much needed in todays Army. For more information on how you can attend a Passion Series study or sign up to attend email [email protected] The Passion Series will be a weekly live stream study every Tuesday night on Warrior Family Ministries Youtube Channel. (Find us and subscribe)