Encouragements from October 2019

Encouragements from October 2019

WFM Leadership Summit Recap

Episode Title: the WFM Leadership Summit Recap Episode Description:  This week join Chaplains Kim Kidd, Brenda Swartz and Tracie Sherer as they talk about the recent WFM Chaplains Leadership Summit and why it was such a transformational weekend and why you, the listener might be called to Chaplaincy.  Show Notes: “What makes us different from all the other Chaplaincy programs out there” – can be summed up in the meaning of two words in our name – Warrior and Family. …

Weekly Podcast with Jamie Walden

This week join host Grace Swartz as she talks with Jamie Walden author of  Omega Dynamics. Jamie is a Marine Corps Infantry Sergeant, Police Officer, Firefighter/Paramedic Specialist, Tactical medic, and Disaster Response Specialist turned Missionary, researcher and author. His experiences and zeal for Jesus Christ have impassioned him to strengthen, equip and challenge a “Warrior Class” of Christians.  We are at war! It is a savage campaign being waged against the hearts, minds, and souls of mankind, as laid out from…

WFM Podcast ~ Joan Hunter

Join host Grace Swartz as she chats with Joan Hunter. Joan is known as the “Carol Burnett” of Christian speakers.