Dawson Springs, Ky

Dawson Springs, Ky

Deployment December 2021 & January 2022

The week before Christmas our Crisis Team deployed to the tornado hit area of Kentucky, specifically to the Dawson Springs area. During our first week of boots on the ground, we worked at the Pennyrile State Park that was converted into a shelter. Not only did we unload mac trucks loaded with toys for Christmas and supplies, we went door to door checking on the well-being of people, children and the workers. Then we headed into the small town of Dawson Springs. We spent days waking the streets of this town assisting it’s wonderful citizens as they sorted through their homes trying to find anything to salvage. This deployment reminded us of the importance to be prepared, trained and prayed up as we just listened to their stories of that night, the losses, the shock.

We heard stories like, “I had my autistic 5 year old grandson and when daylight came and he saw all the destruction he became so mad and agitated. He wanted to know who had tore his town up. Since he loves the Avengers and Hulk, I told him that Hulk had come to town and gotten really mad and tore the town up. BUT the Avengers showed up and calmed Hulk down and they are here now helping us clean up, find stuff and just help.” There was a little girl that we had handed her a toy horse collection and in the middle of looking at these horses she looked up and said, “it didn’t sound like a train like everyone says. It sounded like a bunch of people slurping up spaghetti noodles at the same time.” We cried with folks, smiled with them, let them just breathe for a moment as they opened up to describe their experience. We met true heroes in the men who immediately started digging out people buried under the rubble yelling for help. We have been forever changed and forever solidified in the calling to be a Warrior Family Chaplain …..

We promised to come back around the middle of January and we kept that promise. We spent the week reconnecting with those we found still around, businesses, and made new friends in the process. Dawson Springs is now part of our Warrior Family. None of this could have been possible with out all of you… your generosity in financial support, gift cards and especially prayers. Thank you for allowing us to be the hands and feet while you were the rear detachment – the ones who support.