Prayer Life series #15

Prayer Life series #15

   A regular place for times of prayer is also important. We read that when Jesus was in Jerusalem, the garden of Gethsemane on the Mount of Olives was His “accustomed place of prayer” according to Luke  22:39. John tells us in John 18:2 that “Jesus often met there with His disciples” presumably to pray with them and to privately teach them. Judas knew that this location was where Jesus went a lot and he led the soldiers there to arrest Jesus (John 18:2). 

Having a regular time and place for prayer was true the prophet Daniel as well. When king Darius signed the decree outlawing worship of anyone other than himself, Daniel’s enemies knew when and  where to catch Daniel in prayer “as was his custom since early days” (Daniel 6:10-11).

I am finding out that setting aside a regular time of prayer in a set location is an exciting time of daily refreshing. What about you? Do you have a regular time and place for personal prayer? What does your routine reveal about the importance of prayer in your life? Do people in your life know of your routine for prayer? Have you established prayer in your life to such a degree that your spouse, your children and your best friends know when and where to find you in prayer?

People nearly always argue that setting aside a specific time and place for prayer can become legalistic. Some people feel that this can make your prayer life routine and limited. The truth is that having a specific time and place to pray does not mean you do not have an active, spontaneous prayer life throughout the day. In fact, your heart to pray during the day is enhanced by a routine of uninterrupted prayer and a set location.