Prayer Life series #17

Prayer Life series #17

 We have seen how Jesus had a habit of strategically going alone to a solitary place to pray and to get daily instruction. But in Gethsemane, we see that He took His closest companions to pray with Him. When God’s people pray through times of sorrow, it is important that we bring others along to help carry the load of following our Lord. Of the 12 men the Father had given Jesus as apostles, three were trusted with going deeper with Jesus, especially in sharing His prayer life. At Gethsemane He took Peter, James and John, further into the garden to pray, and He shared with them His anguish. In Matthew 26:38 Jesus said; “My soul is exceedingly sorrowful, even to death.” This was not a small thing; it was extremely important.

Peter, James, and John had the privilege of coming close to Jesus as He prayed about the awesome burden He was carrying and helping Him through this critical moment. This was their assignment. No doubt Jesus wanted them to learn things from this experience that they would need to have in place as they led the early church. But instead of watching and praying with Him they fell asleep and Jesus had to remind them of the weakness of their flesh in Matthew 26:41 “All of you must keep awake (give strict attention, be cautious and active) and watch and pray, that you may not come into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.”

In spite of the fact that they fell asleep and they failed in their assignment at this moment, the example of Jesus in seeking their support still held. In times of deep sorrow and distress, Jesus brought others close to Him to help carry His burden. This is a very important lesson of praying for us as well. And yet when Christians today face the deep burdens and the pain that often come with following God’s will, many times they choose to do it alone.

Do you have those companions around you that can help you carry the burdens of your heart to the Lord?